Invitation to attend
The Behrouz Boochani lecture
at U3A North Canterbury,
10am Tuesday 23rd February 2021
This controversial Kurdish journalist, human rights defender, writer and film producer painstakingly tapped out his memoir, No Friend but the Mountains, whilst he was in custody on Manus Island.
Behrouz came to New Zealand in December 2019 and was granted refugee status in July 2020. He is currently the Senior Adjunct Research Fellow at the Ngai Tahu Research Centre and Writer in Residence for 2021 at the University of Canterbury.
He is a fluent English speaker as evidenced in a TED talk that he gave in 2019. Find it on this link -
Behrouz Boochani will share his experiences with U3A North Canterbury at 10am Tuesday 23 February 2021 at the Baptist Church, 111 East Belt, Rangiora.
An invitation is extended to other Canterbury U3A groups and North Canterbury service groups and churches to attend his address.
Admission is Free but is by Ticket ONLY which can be obtained by following these simple steps:
Go to: (Click on this hyperlink)
This event’s detail will appear. Click “Book Now”.
Enter the number of seats you require.
Enter the other details required and click “Purchase”.
Enter the name and email address. The tickets will be emailed to the address you provide.
Print the tickets and bring them with you on February 23rd.